Effective from January 30, 2020, Alm. Brand A/S will implement a number of changes intended to unlock the full potential of the Alm. Brand for the Customer strategy. A new customer-oriented organisation divided into Private and Commercial across all of the group's three business areas will be established. At the same time, development activities are being combined in a single organisation, which will be able to quickly and more efficiently deliver new digital solutions that make it easy and attractive to be a customer of Alm. Brand. The initiatives also include measures to reduce the group's costs with effect immediately.

In connection with the establishment of the new organisation, the number of full-time equivalents in Alm. Brand will be reduced by 120. Most redundancies will be effected at the group's head office, including in the bank.

Following the establishment of the new organisation, group management will be composed as follows: interim Chief Executive Officer Rasmus Werner Nielsen; Executive Vice President, Private Rasmus Lynge; Executive Vice President, Commercial Kim Bai Wadstrøm; Executive Vice President, Business Development & Digitalisation (COO) Kristian Hjort-Madsen; and Executive Vice President, Finance (CFO) Andreas Ruben Madsen.

The Board of Directors recommends distribution of an ordinary dividend of DKK 3.00 per share. This means that Alm. Brand will distribute approximately DKK 460 million for the 2019 financial year, corresponding to a payout ratio of 102% of the profit after tax.