Allison Transmission has partnered with Nikola Corporation to conduct testing of its Class 8 battery-electric vehicle (BEV) and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) at Allison's Vehicle Electrification + Environmental Test (VE+ET) Center. The two companies collaborated to test BEV and FCEV performance through controlled thermal environments and dynamometer road simulations, capable of simulating a wide range of duty cycles. The tests utilized Nikola's hydrogen refueling equipment along with a constant flow of hydrogen supplied by the facility to allow for uninterrupted test runs.

Evaluation of the vehicles included monitoring battery management and HVAC testing which leveraged solar simulation to replicate extreme temperatures. The Vehicle Electrification + Environmental Test Center provides several benefits for OEMs including the ability to conduct testing in a safe, controlled, consistent environment which enables secure, dependable, repeatable results. At the facility, Allison simulates real world applications and climate conditions, allowing OEMs to reduce product development and validation timelines to bring innovative technology and vehicle systems to market faster and more efficiently.

In addition, conducting testing in a condensed timeframe that is not dependent on seasonal climate and road conditions results in reduced costs compared to on-road testing. The 60,000-square-foot VE+ET Center is the only one of its kind in the Midwest, offering the ability to conduct year-round testing in one centralized location. The facility offers dedicated test cells and suites for customers, which provide the capabilities and collaboration necessary for new product development.