OSLO, Norway, Oct. 20, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new Superba(TM) Krill oil study conducted by Dr. Stuart Gray and his team at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, has been published in PLoS One Journal. The paper describes the benefits of Superba(TM) Krill oil for athletes in the exercise recovery phase.

Participants were randomly assigned to either a placebo (n = 19) or krill oil (n = 18) group. Investigators looked at whether 2 grams of daily krill oil supplementation for 6 weeks could strengthen the immune function of healthy male and female participants after a simulated cycling time trial. The time trial required participants to cycle as fast as possible, against a workload of 70% of VO2max, to expend a standardized amount of energy (normally just over 1 hour).

The results showed that SuperbaTM Krill supplementation significantly increased the Omega-3 Index of the volunteers (i.e., the percentage of EPA and DHA in red blood cell fatty acids). The study further demonstrated a significant increase in the production of IL-2 (a signaling molecule regulating the activity of immune cells) and the activity of natural killer (NK) cells in the recovery period after exercise.

Study coordinator Dr. Stuart Gray explained: "NK cells are the first line of defense, reacting quickly to threats such as bacteria and viruses to keep them under control until the antigen-specific immune system responds. Their activity can be decreased by up to 60% for several hours after extended exercise. Krill oil might therefore help to increase host protection after intense exercise."

Torbjørn Furuseth, EVP Innovation, Aker BioMarine Antarctic AS, added: "This study is in line with previous work on fish oil, where similar results were observed. However, the krill oil EPA and DHA dose used was only a quarter of the dose given in the earlier fish oil study to the same group. This demonstrates that krill oil has great potential in the sports nutrition sector."

The ability of krill oil to positively influence immune function shows that regular consumption of omega-3 phospholipids from krill oil might be an effective nutritional strategy to support athletes in the post-exercise recovery phase.

Journal citation: PLoS One. 2015;10(9):e0139174

For more information: 
Becky Wright, Marketing Director, +1-206-855-6736 x210

About Aker BioMarine
Aker BioMarine is a leading supplier of krill-derived products to the consumer health and wellness and animal nutrition markets. Aker BioMarine is dedicated to the sustainable harvest of krill and development of krill-derived products. The company supplies biomarine ingredients through a 100% traceable supply chain. Aker BioMarine was the first krill company to be awarded Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

About SuperbaTM Krill
SuperbaTM Krill is a pure, natural source of the health-promoting EPA & DHA omega-3 essential fatty acids and the naturally occurring antioxidant astaxanthin. The uniqueness of SuperbaTM Krill is that the omega-3 fatty acids are provided in phospholipid form. In vitro, in vivo and human clinical research has demonstrated the safety and efficacy of SuperbaTM Krill.

About Qrill(TM)

QRILL(TM) is Aker BioMarine's registered brand name for krill products made to support animal nutrition and health. QRILL(TM) meal contains nutritious marine proteins and high levels of phospholipid-bound omega-3 fatty acids and the natural antioxidant astaxanthin. It is certified sustainable and 100% traceable by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
