AIT Corporation reported consolidated earnings results for the six months ended August 2016. For the period, operating revenues were JPY 10,139 million against JPY 10,188 million a year ago. Operating income was JPY 640 million against JPY 661 million a year ago. Ordinary income was JPY 696 million against JPY 696 million a year ago. Profit attributable to owners of parent was JPY 469 million against JPY 428 million a year ago. Basic earnings per share were JPY 24.56 against JPY 22.41 a year ago.

For the year ending February 2017, on consolidated basis, the company expects operating revenues of JPY 23,130 million, operating income of JPY 1,594 million, ordinary income of JPY 1,644 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of JPY 1,100 million and basic earnings per share of JPY 57.56.