Airgain, Inc. announced the launch of AirMetric. An industry first, AirMetric is a Wi-Fi performance modeling solution designed to achieve the maximum performance possible for every in-home wireless device. At the heart of AirMetric is the ability to identify the optimal antenna solution in the earliest design stage by analyzing a combination of passive simulation measurements.

Using this analysis enables Airgain antenna engineers to provide wireless device manufacturers with early stage design recommendations. This ensures peak performance before devices are built, as well as time and cost savings related to product development. Traditionally, device manufacturers design a system using passive antenna data, then measure and assess wireless throughput performance after initial prototypes become available.

In the case where performance does not meet expectations, costly design changes are often required. Using AirMetric, performance "figures of merit" are assigned to each antenna design, identifying the high performance antenna systems. This provides manufacturers with an early look into any required design changes such as device size, PCB layout, or heat sink placement, saving time and money later on in the process.