3.1.2022 08:00:01 CET | Ice Group ASA | Additional regulated information
required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Reference is made to the previous stock exchange notices regarding the legal
proceedings between Ice Group ASA's ("ICE") subsidiary AINMT Holdings AB
("AINMT") and GoldenTree Asset Management LP ("GoldenTree") and others relating
to the loan
agreement between GoldenTree, certain other lenders and AINMT (the "GT Loan

In a recent pleading, GoldenTree significantly reduced the claim made against
AINMT. GoldenTree has now revised its position to claim 5 alleged breaches
(reduced from earlier 20), each allegedly entitling GoldenTree to a 5 percentage
point interest increase. 

Borea AS and Nordstjernan Kredit AB, which hold around 18 % of the outstanding
debt under the GT Loan Agreement and previously had reserved all their rights
under the GT Loan Agreement in respect of the alleged breaches, have now joined
GT in the proceedings as plaintiffs. As a result, the claim is now revised to
correspond not only GTs 82% portion, but to the full outstanding debt.

ICE's maintains that the GT Loan Agreement has not been breached. 


This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


 * Espen Risholm, Head of investor relations, +47 924 80 248, ir@icegroup.com 


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