The board of directors of Aidigong Maternal & Child Health Limited announced that, on 22 January 2021, a subsidiary of the company rents a property located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, the People's Republic of China from the property owner, which is a third party independent of the company, for the establishment of a new postpartum care centre under the brand name of "Aidigong", which is expected to be officially open for business in March 2021. The new centre is located in a high-end apartment in the prime area of Shenzhen with convenient transportation access and a peaceful surrounding environment. It offers 80 rooms, all of which are large-size suites, and is capable of serving around 1,000 customers annually. The new centre has the most concentrated provision of high-end suites among the centres of the Group up to now. Unlike the previous centres of which decoration was undertaken by the Group, the Group adopts a new operational model where this centre was renovated by the property owner and rented by the Group subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions suitable for the opening of a centre. The Board believes that the new operational model has the following benefits: (i) it can substantially reduce the investment costs in establishing new centres as an asset-light model; (ii) it will largely shorten the establishment period for opening new centres due to less time will be incurred for decoration after leasing; and (iii) properties that meet the requirements for opening a centre may be readily available. Based on the Group's requirements and conditions in the property market in China, there are currently a wide selection and choices of properties such as high-end apartments and hotels in the first-tier and new first-tier cities available for leasing by the Group. The Board expects that the new operational model will help to increase the speed of establishing new centres and deliver satisfactory returns to the Group.