AME LTD: King IV application register 2024

The King IV Principles and the extent of the company's compliance during the financial year ended 31 March 2024 are set out in the table below, as required by the JSE Listings Requirements and recommendations of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance:



Application of compliance



Leadership: The governing body


The Board of Directors of AME is committed to good Corporate governance as guided by

King IV. The AME Board leads by overseeing the Group subsidiaries' boards, ensuring

should lead ethically and effectively.

that the group's ethical behaviour is in line with the ethical principles followed by the

Board. The independent non-executive Chairman oversees this process.

The CEO of AME Ltd oversees and co-ordinate the group's activities. The managing

directors of AME's subsidiaries report on the activities of their respective companies to

the CEO and attend the AME board meetings where they provide feedback on those



Organisational Ethics: The governing


The Social and Ethics Committee meets three times a year and is responsible for

informing the Board of changing legislation. Each operating unit reports to the Social

body should govern the ethics of the

and Ethics Committee on ethical issues and compliance with industry codes.

group in a way that supports the

Management is responsible for communicating the group's values and ethics to the

establishment of an ethical culture.

employees, monitoring it, and ensuring that it is applied in all dealings with stakeholders.


Responsible corporate citizenship:


The group supports various charitable causes on a socio-economic front, such as art,

culture, and education. Care has been taken to empower the companies individually, and

The governing body should ensure that

attention is given to a transformation program.

the organisation is and is seen to be a

responsible corporate citizen.

The Social and Ethics Committee ensures that employment equity, transformation, and

codes of best practice are adhered to.


Strategy and Performance: The


The AME Board regards the value creation process as a high priority. Management

governing body should appreciate that

reports to the Board on all aspects of their business and is evaluated in terms of their

the organisation's core purpose, its risks

performance and sustainable development on a quarterly basis. Annual targets are set

and opportunities, strategy, business

for performance. The group's risks and opportunities are constantly evaluated by the

model, performance, and sustainable

Board, which is evident from the group's investment strategies. The Board is supported

development are all inseparable

by the Audit and Risk Committee responsible for identifying risks and a continuous

elements of the value creation process.

assessment of their possible impact on the group.


Reporting: The governing body should


Reports issued by the organisation include all relevant information for stakeholders to

ensure that reports issued by the

make informed assessments of the organisation's performance and contain sufficient

organisation enable stakeholders to

information to enable stakeholders to assess the organisation's short, medium, and long-

make informed assessments of the

term prospects. The integrity of these reports is reviewed by the Board together with the

organisation's performance and its

assistance of the Audit and Risk Committee.

short, medium, and long-term prospects.


Primary role and responsibilities of


The Board is ultimately responsible for corporate governance. The Board has adopted

the governing body: The governing

policies throughout the group that ensure that the Company's corporate governance

body should serve as the focal point and

procedures are consistently applied and adequate.

custodian of corporate governance in

the organisation.


Composition of the governing body:


The AME board presently comprises of six independent non-executive directors, an

The governing body should comprise

independent non-executive chairman, one non-executive director and two executive

the appropriate balance of knowledge,

directors. The board members have the requisite skills, balance of knowledge,

skills, experience, diversity, and

experience, diversity, and independence to responsibly discharge their duties.

independence for it to discharge its

governance role and responsibilities

objectively and effectively.


Committees of the governing body: The governing body should ensure that its arrangements for delegation within its structures promote independent judgement and assist with balance of power and the effective discharge of its duties


The CEO of AME Ltd oversees and co-ordinate the group's activities. The managing directors of AME's subsidiaries report on the activities of their respective companies to the CEO and attend the AME board meetings where they answer any questions the Board may have regarding those businesses, ensuring a balance of power and effective discharge of duties. Executive directors attend annual formal training sessions, while non-executive directors receive training when required. The Board has delegated certain responsibilities to its committees to assist the Board to discharge its responsibilities effectively.

Due to the size of the company and its subsidiaries, the risk committee forms part of the Audit and Risk Committee that was constituted. The risk is addressed at the Board level where appropriate, but defining, identifying, and monitoring the company's risk is delegated to the Audit and Risk Committee as well as the Social and Ethics Committee.

The Audit and Risk Committee currently comprises four independent non-executive directors. They come from various backgrounds that cover most aspects of corporate governance. The Audit and Risk Committee members are re-appointed each year at the AGM. The members evaluate their own and other members' independence and skills-set and are also reviewed by the Board for independence and performance.

A Remuneration Committee, comprising four non-executive directors, is mandated to review and set fair remuneration packages.

The Board has constituted the Social and Ethics Committee which comprises of two independent non-executive directors and one executive director. The MDs of the subsidiaries attend committee meetings by invitation. Part of their duties is to ensure that employment equity, transformation, and codes of best practice are adhered to. The Social and Ethics Committee is also responsible for ensuring that the company's ethical requirements are met, and it reports back to the Board via the committee chairperson.

A system of review is in place for the executive directors of the AME board. A formal

review with a three-year interval, is in place for the non-executive directors of the Board.


For the period between these reviews, no formal process is followed. Due to the size of

Evaluations of the performance of the


the Board, non-performing board members will be identified and reprimanded where

governing body: The governing body

instances of non-performance occur.

should ensure that the evaluation of its

The Board evaluates on an annual basis the performance of the company secretary and

performance and that of its committees,

its chair, and its individual members

the relationship with the Board is at arm's length, objective and independent.

supports continued improvement in its

In May 2021, a formal evaluation of the Board and Social and Ethics Committee was

performance and effectiveness.

performed by an independent evaluator. In November 2022 an internal evaluation of the

Social and Ethics Committee was performed.


Appointment and Delegation to


The CEO of AME Ltd oversees and coordinates the activities of the group. The

managing directors of AME's subsidiaries report on the activities of their respective

Management: The governing body

companies to the CEO and attend the AME board meetings where they provide an

should ensure that the appointment of,

update on the activities of the business and answer any questions the Board may have

and delegation to, management

regarding those businesses. This process relies on the senior executives of the

contributes to role clarity and the

subsidiaries to propose strategies.

effective exercise of authority and


The Board sets out its risk policies to management, which reports back to the Board on

all aspects of the business, including risk, via quarterly meetings. Management is

responsible for the management, training, continued education, professional

development of its staff relating to risk, and compliance with regulations. Management of

the subsidiaries understands their responsibilities and authority and is monitored monthly

by the CEO to ensure effective management.

All directors have unlimited access to the advice and services of the company secretary,

who is responsible to the Board for ensuring that board procedures are followed. All

directors are entitled to seek independent professional advice at the group's expense

concerning the group's affairs after obtaining approval from the CEO. The Board

considers the skills, qualifications and continued training of the company secretary on an

annual basis. The company secretary is independent of the company, her relations with

the company board, shareholders or management, are strictly professional and her

remuneration is based on an arm's length contract.



Neither the appointment nor the duties of any of the board subcommittees reduce the

Risk Governance: The governing body

functions and duties of the Board of the company. The Board approves all charters

should govern risk in a way that

before they are implemented. The Board sets the risk parameters in an ongoing

supports the organisation in setting and

process of identifying risk and assessing its impact on the group. This process starts at a

achieving its strategic objectives.

Board level where standards are set for internal control aimed at reducing the risk for

error or loss in a cost-effective manner, which are constantly monitored, which filters

down to all levels of management. The Board has adopted a conservative approach

within the available resource constraints.

The radio industry is highly regulated, and compliance reports have to be submitted by

the radio stations on a quarterly and annual basis. Management is responsible for

timeous submissions of these.


Technology and information


Business strategies and objectives and the role of IT in achieving them are clear, and

governance: The governing body

management reports on the effectiveness of each project which is dealt with at the

should govern technology and

subsidiary level. The group and subsidiaries have dedicated IT teams who are suitably

information in a way that supports the

qualified and experienced persons who report on IT governance issues through reports

organisation setting and achieving its

submitted to the subsidiary boards and executive management. The strategic aspects

strategic objectives.

of the information technology input are adequately documented and regularly updated.


Compliance governance: The


The Social and Ethics Committee is tasked with overseeing legislation changes as well

governing body should govern

as compliance with applicable laws. The MDs of the major subsidiaries attend committee

compliance with applicable laws and

meetings by invitation and contribute to the knowledge pool. The Audit and Risk

adopt the necessary rules, codes, and

Committee also assists the Board with monitoring compliance with all applicable laws

standards in a way that supports the

and regulations. These subcommittees regularly report to the Board.

organisation being ethical and a good

corporate citizen.

Management is responsible for managing, training, continuing education, and

professional development of its staff relating to risk and compliance with regulations.


Remuneration governance: The

governing body should ensure that the


The Board has mandated the Remuneration Committee to review and set fair

organisation remunerates fairly,

remuneration packages. Market trends are assessed to ensure alignment with the

responsibly, and transparently to

marketplace. Directors' remuneration is disclosed in the annual financial statements.

promote the achievement of strategic

The remuneration policy is tabled each year for shareholders' approval at the Annual

objectives and positive outcomes in the

General Meeting.

short, medium, and long term.


Assurance: The governing body should


The Audit and Risk Committee works closely with the independent auditor to ensure that

risks are identified before the audit commences and that sufficient comfort has been

ensure that assurance services and

obtained that satisfies the auditors and the Audit and Risk Committee that the risk has

functions enable an effective control

been addressed. The board reports on the company's system of internal controls and its

environment and that these support the

effectiveness to shareholders in its statement of responsibility and approval by the Board

integrity of information for internal

of directors in the annual report. The Audit and Risk Committee reports on its duties and

decision-making and of the

the results of decisions made in the annual report. The Audit and Risk Committee also

organisation's external reports.

reports back to board meetings and reviews the annual report. The committee receives

feedback from the auditor and interrogates management on the disclosure in and

compilation of the annual report.

Stakeholders: In the execution of its

The CEO and company secretary are responsible for managing the stakeholder relations



at the Group level. The CEO and the MDs of the group's major subsidiaries manage their

governance role and responsibilities, the

stakeholder relations independently with learning experiences shared across the group.

governing body should adopt a

The Board ensures that all major decisions made are debated and all relevant

stakeholder-inclusive approach that

information obtained to ensure that the best interests of the company and stakeholders

balances the needs, interests, and

are taken into account.

expectations of material stakeholders in

the best interests of the organisation

The Board communicates with its stakeholders as and when required through SENS, the

over time.

website and publications, and written correspondence. Complete, timely, relevant,

accurate, honest, and accessible information is provided by the company to its

stakeholders whilst having regard to legal and strategic considerations. The company

secretary is responsible for receiving disputes and resolving them by escalating the

dispute to the relevant committee or Board and providing formal feedback to the

stakeholders. There is only one class share in issue, and the Board ensures that minority

shareholders are protected.


Responsibilities of institutional


investors: The governing body of an

Not applicable, The Group is not an institutional investor.

institutional investor organisation should

ensure that responsible investment is

practised by the organisation to promote

good governance and the creation of

value by the companies in which it



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AME - African Media Entertainment Ltd. published this content on 10 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 June 2024 06:23:07 UTC.