As the euphoria stirred by Malawi National Football team's sensation run in the Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) finals in Cameroon is in the air, Malawi's music star has paid tribute to the team.

This follows the team's historical qualification for the knockout stages after finishing as best third-placed team for Group B which featured Africa's highest ranked team Senegal, Guinea as well as Zimbabwe.

Writing on his Facebook page, Namadingo said although he was engaged with a project he is working on he managed to watch all the group stages games.

Reads the post: "In the past two weeks, I have been off social media and silently travelled to two countries out of Zambia for work. Among the two countries, none of them qualified for the Afcon. When the games started I was almost the only one excusing myself from the work to go and watch the games. The Director understood me for this was big for me."

He said he was impressed in the first game against Guinea although Malawi lost.

Said Namadingo: "The gameplay of our team though we lost. I believe our play was of class and modern. Khuda Muyaba all tucked in, in his one sided blonde hair, # 13 Peter Banda not forgetting Madinga, Chester and Kakhobwe. Some names I was hearing for the first time being someone who does not follow much on football.

"I paid extra attention to the football analysis at half time. Asamoah Gyan the Ghanaian on the panel shared the same observation that Malawi was a better side despite the loss, the flames played a whole new play not as most people out there anticipated.

"Second game the Flames won. Being away and not able to come, I was on a spaghetti junction of emotions. I didn't know how to celebrate and cry at the same time. For, I had just received sad news of the passing of my uncle who was as good as my late father.

"I maintained and a mourning period as per tradition in silence but continued watching the games in that hotel room with my flag on the bed. Third game, it was a draw and I am back out of work. But like most of us I was confused what next for the Flames?

The Zambia-based musician said he was happy to have seen that the team's exploits has united the nation.

"The unity they had installed in all country men. Everyone was just happy as a Malawian. Seeing these young men from different regions work together and bring such beautiful celebratory moments to a whole country," he said.

He also took off the pressure from the team against high rated Morocco, who are ranked 28 in the world, 101 places above the Flames.

"It's not about winning the next games. It's about the pride and happiness these men have generated in these hard times. So to Gaba, Thom the goalkeeper and FDH Bank, Malawi Koleza moto. God bless the team of Flames 2022 Afcon. They have done a good job that ignites the fire. All the very best as we face more obstacles. God willing we shall overcome!

God bless Malawi," Namadingo summed up.

Reacting to the post, Football Association of Malawi commercial and marketing director Limbani Matola said: "Well put Doctor."

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