Message from President for New Year
A Happy New Year !
Affected by the worsened economy caused by the strained relationship with neighboring countries last year, the financial achievement of our company became severer than forecast. We will do our best for the remained three months of this fiscal year to bring good result for the next fiscal year.
There are many business projects existing in our group under such severe environment. We must continue every project to an end to realize good result. Having overcome many difficulties, the quality of our company became much better than before. Let's produce good results by cooperating together with production, sales and other supporting department. As a result of continuing product development with customers by proposal type of sales, we could produce many important projects. I feel our future will be brighter in spite of severe business achievement at the moment.
We set the slogan for the next fiscal year as "Connect". Even if a great thing is not made alone, much wisdom will come out by thinking in a large number of members and it will become a bigger power. It became easy to connect many things by the evolution of IT. Since we are connected with customers at any time wherever we are, added value can be offered to our customers. Moreover, bigger value can be timely provided by connecting more closely the global network of our group. Let's challenge together this year with keeping "Connect" in mind.
Paul Y. Kato Chairman & CEO President & COO ADVANEX INC.

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