THE Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) said on Friday that a combined team of DPR, KEPA and other agencies had recovered mutilated bodies of three more victims of the January 4 Kaduna gas explosion.

The recovery of the three bodies brings to eight the number of victims killed by the gas explosion.

The North West Zonal Controller, DPR, Isa Tafida, made the disclosure during a condolence visit to the family of the late Chairman of Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, Prof. Simon Mallam.

Tafida represented the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylva and the Director, DPR, Auwalu Sarki, during the condolence to the family of the late professor at Gonin Gora, Kaduna.

Tafida also paid a sympathy visit to Joel Daniel, 36, a survivor of the explosion being treated from severe burns at St Gerrad Hospital, Kaduna.

'The department in collaboration with security and other government agencies including KEPA and KASUPDA evacuated the cylinders in the shop where the gas explosion occurred to safety and in the process, mutilated bodies of three other victims were recovered under the debris.

'The operator who brought the calamity upon the victims was operating at the premises illegally.

'From the information we received, he came from another location because of our campaign against illegal gas operators, unfortunately, nobody alerted us,' he said.

Tafida said DPR, together with the security and other agencies, would comb the nooks and crannies of the country to check such illegal operators.

'While expressing the condolences of the Minister of State Petroleum Resources, Chief Timipre Sylva and the Director, DPR, Auwalu Sarki to you and other members of the family, we will like to assure you that government is taking adequate measures to forestall reoccurrence of such disasters which has to do with illegality,' Tafida said.

© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan