AD1 Holdings Limited provides an update in relation to its recruitment platform business (ApplyDirect) ApplyDirect has renewed its Recruitment Platform Services Agreement with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (Guild) until 1 January 2023. My Pharmacy Career recruitment platform is a member benefit provided by the Guild designed for Community Pharmacy that enables them to advertise and recruit for talents who want to work within the pharmacy industry. The Guild has over 4000 members and has been operating since 1928. ApplyDirect also announced that the refreshed iworkforNSW platform is now live. The project toenhance the NSW Government's careers platform in line with its Digital Design System also included an upgrade to the iOS and Android mobile applications. This initiative brings the iworkforNSW platform in alignment with the other digital assets deployed by the NSW Government. The platform was first implemented over five years ago and has successfully provided jobseekers with a destination for employment opportunities within the NSW Government. Over the last 12 months the ApplyDirect recruitment jobs platform has facilitated the promotion and application process of over 45,000 jobs.