Trieste, 1 March 2013 - The Board of Directors' meeting held today approved the agenda and reports for the shareholders' meeting, which will be called for 4 April 2013 to vote, in ordinary session, on the following: (i) appointment of two members of the Board of Directors following the co-optation of two directors; and, in extraordinary session: (i) changes to articles 6 (Limits to shareholding ownership), 11 (Calling of shareholders' meetings), 12 (Resolutions), 13 (Attendance and representation), 14 (Chairing and conducting the shareholders' meetings), 15 (Board of Directors and requirements of persons with management and director roles), 16 (Appointment of directors), 19 (Meetings), 20 (Resolutions), 24 (General Manager, Financial Reporting Officer and company directors), 25 (Board of Statutory Auditors), 27 (Financial Year) of the articles of association.

Note that the changes to the articles of association in particular reflect the changed ownership structure and the expected delisting, which make amendments necessary, partly with a view to preventing the application of regulations relating to companies with shares listed on a regulated market, introducing, where necessary, suitable references to the regulations of the Italian Civil Code; the changes also make the articles of association more flexible and more appropriate for the new ownership structure.

In light of the elimination of the limit on voting rights pursuant to article 6 of the articles of association, the right to withdraw of shareholders who do not concur with the adoption of the changes is considered applicable. The unit settlement value for Acegas-Aps S.p.A. shares in relation to which the right to withdraw must be exercised is calculated in accordance with article 2437-ter of the Italian Civil Code, with exclusive reference to the arithmetic average of closing prices in the six months preceding the publication date of the notice for the shareholders' meeting of 4 April 2013; this settlement value will be made public on the same date as the publication of the shareholders' meeting notice, pursuant to article 114 of the Consolidated Finance Act (TUF), and will be available on the website of the company indicated below.

The shareholders' meeting notice and the directors' reports setting out the items on the agenda of the meeting will be filed at the company's headquarters and published in the manner and according to the deadlines prescribed by the laws in, Investors/Governance/Meetings section.

Acegas-Aps also hereby announces that, contrary to what is stated in the 2013 reporting calendar, the Acegas-Aps S.p.A. Board of Directors' meeting to approve the draft financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2012 will be held on Wednesday, 20 March 2013.

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