
Trieste, 11 March 2013 - We hereby inform that the Directors' Report, drawn up pursuant to art. 125-ter of Law Decree no. 58/1998 and subsequent amendments and integrations and art. 72 of the Issuers' Regulation adopted by Consob resolution no. 11971 of 14/5/1999 and subsequent amendments and integrations, on the proposal concerning the changes to articles 6 (Limitations on share ownership), 11 (Notice of call), 12 (Resolutions), 13 (Attendance and representation), 14 (Chairmanship and conduct of meetings), 15 (Board of Directors and requisites of subjects holding administration and management positions), 16 (Appointment of directors), 19 (Meetings), 20 (Resolutions), 24 (Chief Executive Officer, Executive in charge of the preparation of accounting documents and company managers), 25 (Board of Statutory Auditors), 27 (Financial year) of the by-laws of Acegas-Aps S.p.A., as per point 1. of the agenda of the extraordinary section of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting called for 4 April 2013 has been filed with the registered office of the company in Trieste, via del Teatro no. 5 where it can be examined by the shareholders and the public, and is also available on the company's website www-acegas-aps.it, under the section  Investitori/Governance/Assemblee/ Assemblea ordinaria e straordinaria aprile 2013. Notice of publication of the directors' report on point 1 of the agenda of the extraordinary section of the shareholders' meeting of 4 april 2013 [pdf - 46 Kb]
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