January 7, 2013

General Manager - Department of Corporate Services

BSE Limited

Pheroze Jeejeebhoy Towers

Dalal Street

Mumbai400 001

Fax No. 22723719/3121/2037/2039/2041/2061


Dear Sirs

Sub: Unaudited Financial Results for the last quarter 31st December 2012 -

Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement

We wish to inform you that as we will be publishing the Audited Accounts for the Financial Year ended 31st December 2012 within the period stipulated in Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, i.e. within 60 days from the close of the Company's financial year i.e. 31st December, 2012, the unaudited results for the last quarter ended 31st December 2012 will not be published which please note.

Yours faithfully

For ACC Limited

Burjor D Nariman

Company Secretary & Head Compliance

January 7, 2013

National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor

Plot No.C/1, G Block

Bandra - Kurla Complex

Mumbai400 051

Fax No. 26598237 / 38

Dear Sirs

Sub: Unaudited Financial Results for the last quarter 31st December 2012 -

Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement

We wish to inform you that as we will be publishing the Audited Accounts for the Financial Year ended 31st December 2012 within the period stipulated in Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, i.e. within 60 days from the close of the Company's financial year i.e. 31st December, 2012, the unaudited results for the last quarter ended 31st December 2012 will not be published which please note.

Yours faithfully

For ACC Limited

Burjor D Nariman

Company Secretary & Head Compliance

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