FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - Shares in About You on Tuesday almost completely lost the gains they had made in the first days of the new stock market year. In early trading, the shares of the online fashion retailer, which had been relegated from the small cap index SDax in December, lost almost 17 percent to 6.12 euros. In the first week of January, they had still climbed to their highest level since August 2022 at 7.65 euros.

About You continues to struggle with the difficult inflationary market environment and weak consumer sentiment. Although the Hanseatic company continued to grow in its third fiscal quarter, it slipped deeper into the red compared to the previous year.

JPMorgan analyst Georgina Johanan wrote in an initial reaction to the figures that the growth in the final quarter of the year that can be read out in the company's forecast for the full fiscal year is below the average estimates on the market - and this despite the weak comparative figures from the previous year. It also described business performance in December as mixed. However, she said it was encouraging that measures had been taken to support profits and that longer-term growth initiatives were continuing./ajx/tih