Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. announced that it is receiving advisory services and up to $500,000 in funding from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program. The funding is to support a research and development (R&D) project titled, "Improvement of sub-component efficiencies of the Zinc-air battery system". Under this agreement, NRC IRAP will provide advisory and funding support to Zinc8's R&D division on this 2-year project aiming to improve individual sub-component efficiencies by material and process variations for its patented 'Zinc-air Energy Storage System (ESS)'.

The system efficiency will be improved by reducing the overpotential of the electrochemical reactions, whereas the operational efficiency will be improved by reducing potential parasitic losses. NRC IRAP's support will allow Zinc8's R&D division to deploy resources to optimize critical components of the system, aiming to improve Zinc8's ESS round-trip efficiency. It is intended that the project will increase Zinc8's product visibility in the market.

This support comes in addition to an ongoing 6-month project on techno-economic assessment and competitive landscape analysis of the flow-battery technology, where NRC IRAP is providing Zinc8 with up to $75,000 in R&D funding.