Regulators in three countries have granted approvals to Impella surgical products, as Abiomed continues to execute its strategy for sustainable growth with new products, new indications and new geographies. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted an Early Feasibility Study (EFS) Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) to Impella BTR (Bridge-to-Recovery). In Asia, Impella 5.5 with SmartAssist has received approval from Japan's Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) and Hong Kong's Medical Device Division (MDD).

Impella 5.5 with SmartAssist is a game-changing technology for patients in Japan and Hong Kong. It is a minimally invasive, forward flow, fully unloading heart pump designed by and for heart surgeons with direct or axillary insertion. It received FDA post-market approval (PMA) two years ago.

Since then, it has been used to treat more than 4,000 US patients for indications that include AMI cardiogenic shock, cardiomyopathy and post-cardiotomy cardiogenic shock. Historically, the cardiogenic shock survival rate has been approximately 50%. Impella 5.5 with SmartAssist patients have a 74% survival to explant, with 59% of surviving patients achieving native heart recovery.

In Japan, Impella 5.5 with SmartAssist is now indicated for use in the treatment of drug-resistant acute heart failure attributable to causes such as cardiogenic shock. The first Impella 5.5 with SmartAssist patient in Japan is expected to be treated in the coming months.