AB SKF (OM:SKF B) signed an agreement to acquire Blohm + Voss Industries GmbH from STAR Capital Partners Limited for approximately €100 million at the end of December 2012. AB SKF will pay €80 million and assume net loans of €18 million. Blohm + Voss Industries reported sales of approximately €100 million for 2011/2012.

The transaction is subject to relevant regulatory approvals and antitrust authorities. Julian Lemor, Birgit Hübscher-Alt, Stephan Schmidt, Markus Hill, Tilman Siebert, Manuela Finger, Michiel Huizinga, Tillman de Vries, Marc Stock, Johanna Marniok and Matthias Full of SJ Berwin LLP acted as legal advisor for Star Capital Partners. Patrick Kaffiné, Stefan Mayer, Wolfgang Bosch, Burghard Hildebrandt, Thomas Winzer, Matthias Sonntag, Wulf Goette, Christian Vocke, Marco Niehaus, Cristina Villafrade, Philipp Naab, Roland Hartmannsberger, Alexander Fritzsche and Sergej Bräuer of Gleiss Lutz acted as legal advisors to AB SKF.

Wolfgang Kazmierowski, Lars Friemann, Martin Moser and Stephan Doering of DC Advisory Partners Limited acted as financial advisors for STAR Capital Partners. Ernst & Young AB acted as the due diligence provider to AB SKF. Ernst & Young provided transaction support and transaction tax services to AB SKF.