3D Systems Corp. announced the immediate availability of two powerful tools for artists, modelers and app developers to easily bring their designs to life with 3D Printing: AppCreate and Cubify API. AppCreate, a simple to use web-based tool, empowers artists and modelers to make their designs instantly customizable as an App on Cubify.com, the ultimate 3D consumer destination.

Cubify API, enables programmers to generate revenue from their own apps using the Cubify platform for e-commerce and fulfillment. Concurrently, the company announced that its Cubify platform is now available for hosting, publishing and production of 3D printable apps and content by major brands and individual designers. Using the easy online Cubify AppCreate tool, artists and modelers can create their own 3D printing apps by simply uploading their 3D model files and configuring the customization options they want to allow.

Consumers can then customize and purchase unique 3D printed variations of the artist's' designs through Cubify.com. AppCreate is for 3D modelers who have great content and are looking for ways to make it customizable. The Cubify API enables developers to easily connect their own innovative online apps and services to the Cubify.com platform and take advantage of Cubify's robust, international e-commerce and fulfillment service to bring their apps to life with 3D printing.