24SevenOffice announced a strategic partnership with EyeOn Group. This partnership represents a strong initiative for 24SevenOffice in addressing the ever-increasing threat of cybercrime and is in line with political lobbying for more investigative resources from the police. Through this alliance, 24SevenOffice will integrate EyeOn Group's advanced security solutions into its existing systems, providing customers with more comprehensive protection against digital threats.

In addition, the collaboration between 24SevenOffice and EyeOn Group opens significant revenue opportunities for both parties. First and foremost through the existing tens of thousands B2B customer base in 24SevenOffice, but also through strengthening 24SevenOffice product offering and cloud security in the market. EyeOn Group's experienced team has successfully delivered high-quality security solutions, and their expertise will be instrumental in enhancing the security offerings for 24SevenOffice customers going forward.