10x Genomics, Inc. announced they and PerkinElmer, Inc. will jointly offer automated next-generation sequencing (NGS) solutions. PerkinElmer's automation solutions increase both the throughput and efficiency of assays, while also allowing researchers to streamline and enhance existing NGS workflows. The 10x Genomics Chromium System features proprietary Linked-Read sequencing technology which only requires small fragments of DNA (approximately 1ng) to deliver long-range sequence information, perform haplotype phasing and reveal structural genomic variation, as well as other genomic content.

When combined with PerkinElmer automated solutions, the 10x Genomics Chromium System can significantly increase the throughput of existing sequencing workflows. PerkinElmer continues to work with industry leaders to develop simple, sequence-verified automation protocols, including 10x Genomics' Linked-Read technology. These protocols will provide researchers novel options for automated genome, exome and single-cell assay library preparation, enabling the increased throughput and efficiency required to meet the growing needs of life science research community.