The CAC40 posted a slight decline of 0.2% to 6537Pts on the Paris Bourse, following a 0.7% rise in the Paris index on Tuesday, against a backdrop of encouraging news from China over the weekend.

'In Beijing, the Chinese authorities have decided to lift the mandatory anti-Covid-19 quarantine for anyone entering the country as of January 8', Kiplink reported on Tuesday morning.

Caution once again dominates the day's trading, given persistent fears about interest rates and the risk of recession", said Kiplink.

Nevertheless, "the santa rally seems difficult this year, as the financial markets celebrated Christmas a little earlier, with the strong gains seen in November on most of the world's indices", pointed out Vincent Boy at the beginning of last week.

Indeed, falling inflation and the prospect of a Fed pivot, combined with a soft landing for the economy, have led to a certain euphoria in recent months", continued IG France's market analyst.

In other stock news, Neoen has signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 215 MW with Stanwell Corporation, a 15-year contract representing 65% of the production capacity of the Mount Hopeful wind farm in Australia.

AB Science's masitinib receives orphan drug designation (ODS) from the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic) for the treatment of patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Entech announces that it has won an order from Engie Laborelec for a battery storage system to be installed at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) on the island of Eday, in the Orkney archipelago to the north of Scotland.

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