The Paris stock market quickly appreciated by +0.8% (from 9:15 a.m.) and then stalled at around 7695 points, with negligible volumes ((775MnsE).
The Euro-Stoxx50 was content with +0.5%, but Amsterdam climbed by +1.3%.
The CAC40 was driven in particular by banking stocks, with +3.4% for Société Générale, +2.9% for Crédit Agricole and Sté Générale, and +2.5% for BNP Paribas.

Reassured by projections that no majority is possible for populist parties, the Paris market has gained almost 3% since the start of the week.

Today's trading session promises to be quiet and lacklustre, however, as the New York Stock Exchange closes for the American national holiday on the eve of the eagerly-awaited monthly employment report.

A precarious standstill is therefore likely to prevail on the markets, which remain in search of direction and torn between political risks and the slowdown in global economic activity.

'The macroeconomic situation remains complex at present, and the data provide uncertain information as to the next phase of the current cycle', explains Florian Ielpo, Head of Macroeconomic Research at Lombard Odier Investment Managers.

Once confidence is established, whether on the upside or the downside, the markets will be able to choose their own direction", says the analyst.

The New York Stock Exchange nevertheless ended on new record highs last night, as investors continued to retreat to their comfort zone, namely technology stocks starting with Nvidia.

Published on Wednesday evening, the minutes of the Fed's latest monetary policy meeting showed that inflation remained a major source of concern for the central bank, which cited the term 73 times in its document.

The only statistic on today's menu, German industrial orders may have started to rebound in May, with analysts forecasting a rise of around 0.6%.

In Europe, the yield spread between the 10-year OAT and Bund fell back to 70 basis points ahead of a French auction that will be closely watched later today. The Bund is down +2pts to 2.577% and the OAT +2.5pts to 3.271%, while Italian BTP is up +2pts to 4.005% (and no T-Bond quotes this Thursday).

On the oil front, Brent crude is down 0.5% to $86.6 a barrel.

In French company news, Dassault Systèmes announced a unique long-term partnership in the agri-food industry with Groupe Bel, with a view to accelerating the sector's digital transformation and the development of pioneering innovations.

Technip Energies announced on Thursday that it had been selected as part of a research and development (R&D) program aimed at accelerating the industrial development of floating offshore wind power in France.

Stellantis announced on Thursday that it will strengthen its twenty-year collaboration with the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) to develop new next-generation battery cell technologies.

Finally, Schlumberger (SLB) announced the signing of a contract by TotalEnergies with its OneSubsea TM joint venture for a 13-well subsea production system, including associated equipment and services, as part of the development of the Kaminho project, offshore Angola.

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