PARIS/JAKARTA, July 10 (Reuters) - Chicago corn and
wheat futures edged down on Wednesday as favourable crop
conditions kept a lid on prices, while soybeans steadied after
hitting another near four-year low.
    Rapid wheat harvest progress and good growing conditions for
corn and soybeans have weighed on Chicago prices, and traders
continues to see weather forecasts as posing limited threats to
    The most-active corn contract on the Chicago Board of
Trade(CBOT) was down 0.4% at $4.06-3/4 a bushel by 1241
GMT. That put it near a June 28 low of $3.99-1/2 that was its
weakest since November 2020.
    CBOT soybeans ticked up 0.1% to $10.81-1/4 a bushel,
after earlier touching its lowest since November 2020 at $10.72.
    CBOT wheat fell 0.8% to $5.67-1/4 a bushel.
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Monday
increased its condition scores for U.S. corn and soybean crops.
    "Moreover, the weather for both beans and corn in the U.S.
has been pretty good so far and hence the higher crop
expectations are driving prices lower," a Singapore trader said.
    Attention is turning towards the USDA's monthly world crop
report on Friday, in which it is expected to raise its U.S. corn
production forecast after a recent upward revision in its
planting estimate.
    "Corn and soybeans no longer attract any risk premium,"
Argus analysts said in a note. "However, there are still
uncertainties ahead, with the crucial (corn) flowering stage due
to begin in the next few days."
    The market will also be eyeing the USDA's updated estimates
of South American production in its Friday report, a day after
Brazilian agency Conab is due to release its monthly national
crop forecasts.
    In wheat, the brisk U.S. harvest and improving crop
prospects in Russia have created supply pressure, offsetting
concerns about a sharp decline for France's crop.
    Falling Russian prices have underscored export competition
in wheat, while news that India is to sell wheat from its
reserves tempered talk that the country may shortly turn to
imports, traders said. 
 Prices at 1241 GMT                       
                         Last     Change  Pct Move
 CBOT wheat              567.25   -4.75   -0.83
 CBOT corn               406.75   -1.75   -0.43
 CBOT soy                1081.25  1.25    0.12
 Paris wheat             222.00   -4.00   -1.77
 Paris maize             215.25   -0.25   -0.12
 Paris rapeseed          482.50   0.50    0.10
 WTI crude oil           81.47    0.06    0.07
 Euro/dlr                1.08     0.00    0.11
 Most active contracts - Wheat, corn and soy US
 cents/bushel, Paris futures in euros per metric

 (Reporting by Gus Trompiz in Paris and Bernadette Christina in
Indonesia; Editing by Mrigank Dhaniwala and Arun Koyyur)