STORY: :: Narendra Modi praises India's relationship with Russia on his first trip to Moscow in five years

:: July 9, 2024

:: Moscow, Russia

:: Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister

"I am happy that India and Russia are working shoulder to shoulder to give new energy to global prosperity."

"This relationship is built on the strong foundation of mutual trust and mutual respect."

Speaking during an address to the city's Indian diaspora, Modi said he was happy that the two nations were "working shoulder to shoulder to give new energy to global prosperity."

Modi also said he appreciated Russian President Vladimir Putin's leadership, and lauded the commitment of their two countries to emerge stronger in good and bad times.

The Indian leader also laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow, paying tribute to the Russian military's fallen soldiers. The pair also visited a nuclear energy exhibition in Moscow.

Modi's two-day visit coincides with a NATO summit in Washington expected to be dominated by the Ukraine war, although a senior Indian foreign ministry official last week said there was no significance in the timing and Modi's visit was part of a long-standing calendar of summits between the two countries.