July 25 (Reuters) - Prices of most nonferrous metals rose on Tuesday, supported by pledges from Chinese leaders to shore up economic growth in the world's biggest metals consumer.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange advanced 0.8% to $8,587 per metric tonne by 0347 GMT, while the most-traded August copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange climbed 0.8% to 68,930 yuan ($9,636.25) per metric tonne.

Chinese top leaders pledged on Monday to ramp up policy support for the economy, with investors hoping for further easing in restrictions in the troubled property market, a sector that consumes a vast amount of metals.

LME aluminium advanced 0.5% to $2,221 per metric tonne, zinc increased 0.6% to $2,430.50, tin was up 0.9% at $28,850, while nickel fell 0.2% to $21,385 and lead was down 0.1% at $2,172.

SHFE aluminium rose 0.7% to 18,390 yuan per metric tonne, zinc was up 1.6% at 20,385 yuan and tin climbed 1% to 234,590 yuan.

SHFE nickel climbed as much as 2% to 172600 yuan per metric tonne, a level unseen since May 9, and SHFE lead reached its highest since December 2022 of 16,210 yuan.

China's major state-owned banks were seen selling U.S. dollars to buy yuan in early Asian trade to prop up the Chinese currency, three people with direct knowledge of the matter said.

A stronger yuan makes dollar-denominated metals more affordable for Chinese buyers.

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($1 = 7.1532 yuan) (Reporting by Mai Nguyen in Hanoi; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu)