STORY: :: This Palestinian mother says she feels powerless as

her malnourished son's condition deteriorates

:: Khan Younis, Gaza

:: July 9, 2024

:: Ghaneyma Joma, Mother

"It's distressing to see my child in front of my eyes lying there dying from malnutrition because I cannot provide him with anything due to the war, the closing of crossings and the contaminated water. My child was normal before this. His condition only deteriorated in the war. A week ago, he was in hospital and he is now worse than before."

:: Her son Younis Joma is being treated at

Nasser Hospital, the last one left in the area

:: Mervat Al-Qatati, Pediatric doctor

"Malnourishment is due to the disastrous situation we are living, the war, and the lack of healthy food for the children. Now the only food available for children is from tins, filled with oil. The food is unhealthy in any form. All children now have a severe decline in blood pressure, they all have anemia now."

Younis is one of many Palestinian children who are feeling the effects of war with limited supplies of food and clean water.

Israel's military campaign has put many hospitals and other health facilities out of action, according to the World Health Organization, and caused major shortages of needed medical supplies.

The high number of injured from the conflict has added to the rampant disease and malnutrition among the 90% of Gaza residents that the U.N. says have been made homeless, putting massive pressure on the enclave's health system.