ZURICH, June 22 (Reuters) - The Swiss National Bank's Vice-Chairman said on Thursday comprehensive lessons need to be drawn from Credit Suisse's crisis and subsequent takeover by UBS .

"The goal must be to continue to strengthen banks' resilience in order to prevent, wherever possible, a loss of confidence such as that seen in the case of Credit Suisse," Martin Schlegel said in remarks prepared for a news conference in Zurich.

"If a crisis does still occur, a broad range of effective options must be available."

On Thursday, the SNB also published its 2023 financial stability report.

Among the measures, the central bank called for banks to be required in the future to prepare a minimum amount of assets that could be pledged for central banks, a step designed to help banks access emergency liquidity if worried customers rapidly withdrew cash.

(Reporting by Noele Illien Editing by Tomasz Janowski)