Zotec Partners (Zotec), an industry-leading provider of radiology billing and practice management services, is pleased to announce a new technology platform for radiologists: Zotec Analytical Reporting Interface (ZARi).

ZARi allows radiology practices to mine big data in order to yield historical experience, complex analytics and business intuition. It extracts complex algorithms from a radiology practice’s data on a monthly and quarterly basis, and transforms them into meaningful and easy-to-read summaries. The narrative that ZARi produces ultimately gives radiologists answers to their important business questions, delivering advice and powerful insight in a precise, clear narrative format.

Zotec’s Director of Business Intelligence, Jeff Maze, says of the new technology, “Zotec has always been at the forefront of analytical and reporting technology, which is why we believe it is critical to provide radiologists with the best and most complex levels of practice data, but also with a figurative and comparative understanding of what it means and how it pertains to their business. With ZARi, radiologists now have the opportunity to not only view their data in numerical charts and graphs, but to also read about the financial health of their business in simple, coherent text.”

According to T. Scott Law, founder and CEO of Zotec, “Zotec constantly seeks ways to improve the client experience and optimize transparency in billing. ZARi takes our reporting capabilities one step further because it gives our clients a complete picture of their business in a well-written and all-inclusive story. We believe it is a profoundly innovative and necessary tool for radiologists as they seek to better understand their business, apply their data and make improvements within the revenue cycle.”

ZARi extracts its data from the Comprehensive Zotec Analytics & Reporting (CZAR), a sophisticated analytical tool that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year to actively monitor the entire revenue cycle of a radiology practice.

Zotec is the industry leader in medical billing and practice management services for the hospital-based specialty market. The company is committed to the continuous pursuit of excellence in the physician revenue cycle and practice management industry by delivering effective solutions through its innovative software, personalized service and measurable client results. Zotec proprietary processes and technology manage in excess of 70 million medical encounters across all 50 states. For more information about Zotec Partners, visit http://www.zotecpartners.com.

About Zotec Partners

Founded in 1998 by CEO T. Scott Law, Zotec Partners is the Indianapolis-based industry leader in specialized medical billing and practice management services for the hospital-based specialty market. Zotec Partners is committed to the continual pursuit of excellence in the physician revenue cycle management industry by delivering effective solutions through its innovative software, personalized service and measurable client results. Currently, the company serves more than 8,000 physicians in all 50 states. For more information about Zotec Partners, visit http://www.zotecpartners.com.