Should busy executives participate in leadership development? Zenger Folkman’s study of 12,000 leaders shows that leadership flows downhill and senior leaders can actually create a ceiling in organizations. If senior leaders are not effective their direct reports will probably be even less effective.

“We have found a very common trend in many organizations that the top leaders are more effective than their direct reports," said Joe Folkman, president of Zenger Folkman. "The problem is when those leaders at the top are not very effective we also see that leaders below them are even worse."

In this study of leaders in seven different organizations, the average effectiveness of the top leaders was much lower at the 57th percentile. The middle level leaders in that organization were at the 44th percentile rather than being at the expected 58th percentile. This demonstrates that leadership flows downhill. You can’t improve leadership effectiveness at the bottom if you don’t first fix the top.

Every level of leadership needs development. The cost of development pales in comparison to the cost of bringing in new talent. Leaders can improve, but they need to have the right guidance. Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman have found four elements that make leadership development more successful:

  1. Environment - The organization must have a strong accountability culture where reporting measures are in place. Also important is a positive philosophy that focuses on strengths.
  2. Content - Every leadership development program must be practical and relevant.
  3. Powerful Learning Methods - These programs should have minimal theory presented and focus time on building skills.
  4. Follow-up for Sustainability - Quality executive coaching is necessary for success.

This research demonstrates that leaders’ impact is greater than they might have suspected and quality leadership development is needed. Joe Folkman said, “A leader’s behavior not only impacts their immediate team, but also spreads to the next level of leaders. Clearly, great performance expands. (Unfortunately, however, poor performance spreads just as effectively.) So the next time you think it won’t hurt to skip out on a development experience because only 'those people need to be fixed,' remember that great leadership (and poor leadership) flows down from the top.”

Joe Folkman and Jack Zenger will be holding a webinar on Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 11 a.m. MST. To register for the webinar, World Class Executive Development - 4 Elements That Will Make Leadership Development More Successful, go to For more information on these findings, and how to incorporate them into a leadership development plan, visit


Zenger Folkman is the authority in strengths-based leadership development. Their award-winning programs employ research-based methods that improve organizations and turn good managers into extraordinary leaders.