Manufacturers' News, Inc.-- For a third straight year, industrial employment in Wyoming posted a gain, reports the 2014 Wyoming Manufacturers Directory®, an industrial directory and database published by Manufacturers' News, Inc. (MNI) Evanston, IL. According to data collected by Manufacturers' News, Wyoming gained 584 manufacturing jobs from October 2012 to October 2013, or 1.7%, outpacing the gain MNI reported for the 2011-2012 survey and one percent higher than the national average gain as reported by the Labor Department for the same time period.

Manufacturers' News reports Wyoming is now home to 1,182 manufacturers employing 34,302 workers.

"Manufacturers in Wyoming continue to make gains across a variety of sectors," says Tom Dubin, President of the Evanston, IL-based publishing company, which has been surveying industry since 1912. "The state's winning mix of business-friendliness, low taxes, and abundant natural resources has resulted in many companies expanding and investing in its manufacturing sector."

According to Manufacturers' News, oil and gas extraction ranks as the state's largest sector by manufacturing employment, accounting for 10,987 jobs, up 4.8%. Coal mining ranks second with 6,804 industrial jobs, up 5.8%. Third-ranked industrial machinery and equipment accounts for 3,568 jobs, down 3.7% over the year, due partially to the closure of an Enerflex gas compression equipment facility in Casper.

Additional sectors reporting gains included electronics, up 12.2%; and rubber/plastics, up 3.9%. Losses were seen in stone/clay/glass, down 4.5%; printing/publishing, down 4.3%; lumber/wood, down 3.4% and food products, down 1.1%.

Wyoming welcomed several new manufacturers to the state including Wyoming Authentic Products, which opened a meat processing plant in Casper; and Maverick Ammunition, which plans to establish a factory in Laramie. Magpul Industries relocated a firearms accessories plant to Cheyenne; HiViz Shooting Systems opened a plant in Laramie for the manufacture of shooting accessories; and steel tube manufacturer Searing Industries announced the opening of a new facility in Cheyenne.

Gillette remains the state's top city for manufacturing employment, home to 6,253 jobs, up 3.2% over the year. Second-ranked Casper accounts for 4,397 jobs, down 2.9%. Wright is home to 3,280 industrial jobs, up 1.3%, while industrial jobs in Rock Springs rose 3.1%, with the city currently home to 2,824 industrial workers. Green River accounts for 2,461 industrial jobs, down 1% over the past twelve months.

Detailed profiles of Wyoming's 1,182 manufacturing companies and 155 distributors can be found in the 2014 Wyoming Manufacturers Directory® available in print for $78, or available online through MNI's industrial database subscription service Users may generate custom profiles of manufacturers using a variety of criteria, including region, SIC, sales volume, number of employees, and more. Each business profile provides up to 30 facts, including vital contact information, 4,205 executives by name and title, product(s) manufactured, and more.

Manufacturers' News, Inc. is the nation's oldest and largest publisher of state industrial directories and manufacturers databases, and the industrial search engine For 101 years the company has identified, researched and profiled manufacturing companies. MNI employs an 85-person editorial staff to scour business registrations, trade journals, financial reports, and many other sources to pinpoint every manufacturing establishment in the U.S. Each manufacturer is contacted throughout the year to update their profiles, including their employee counts. For more information, contact Manufacturers' News, Inc., 1633 Central St., Evanston, IL, 60201, 847-864-7000,

Manufacturers? News, Inc.
Jennifer Ratcliff, (847) 864-9440 ext. 241