Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Worldwide Large Area TFT-LCD Panel Industry, 4Q 2015" report to their offering.

Global shipments of large area TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display) panels for three major applications, notebook PCs, LCD monitors, and LCD TVs grew 1.7% sequentially in the third quarter of 2015. Among them, shipments for IT products suffered from the largest decline. This report looks into second-half shipment performance and provides insights concerning supply and demand of notebook PCs, along with the average size and resolution of LCD TV panels.

List of Topics

This research report presents shipment volume and value forecast and recent quarter review of the Taiwanese large-area TFT-LCD panel industry. The report includes the industry's shipment volume, value, ASP, shipment by application, which comprises of monitors, notebook PCs, and LCD TVs. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with large-area TFT-LCD panel manufacturers

Key Topics Covered:

1. Develoment of Global industry Shipment

2. Highlighted Issues

2.1 Notebook PC Panel Shipments Concentrated on 1H 2015

2.2 Large-area LCD TV Panels' Increased Share to Increase Average Panel Size in 4Q 2015

2.3 4K2K Panel Shipments Break 10 Million Units and Secure 15% Market Share

List of Figures

Figure 1: Worldwide Large Area TFT-LCD Panel Shipments by Application, 3Q 2013 - 4Q 2015

Figure 2: Global Notebook PC Panel Shipment Volume by End-user Device, 1Q 2013 - 4Q 2015

Figure 3: Worldwide 4K2K LCD Panel Shipment Share by Country, 1Q 2013 - 4Q 2015

Companies Mentioned



- LuxNet

- Samsung

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