BRAVADA International Ltd ( (Pink Sheets: BRAV) announced today that officially went live with its initial selection of dog and cat products that will expand from its initial launch of a few hundred items to what will grow to be one of the largest selection of new and exciting product choices for dog and cat lovers., aka World of Pets Superstore®, has a multi-year development strategy that will take a slow and steady growth path as it expands its product offering into high demand categories. This focus on popular high traffic categories is designed to maximize a competitive position in specific categories. These high interest categories include dog harnesses, collars, cat and dog chew toys, treats, cat tunnels, scratchers and more.

The World of Pets Superstore will expand its product mix to include familiar as well as new and innovative product ideas for animal lovers. This will provide an exciting experience for customers and allow for creative product choices outside the expected norms. will adhere to the “Best Price, Best Products and Best Service” policy, the cornerstone of all BRAVADA International websites. Future product category additions include pet food, pet health and vitamins as well as new technology-based products.

“We are excited to launch and provide animal lovers a great new place to shop for their dog and cat supplies,” replied Danny Alex, CEO of BRAVADA International. “We have innovative product ideas that will distinguish from its competitors and create a unique shopping experience. In 2021, we intend to establish as a trusted online retailer for dog and cat products and will spend this year populating key categories.”


BRAVADA International is an internet and media company that owns and curates online properties through a proprietary methodology of creating, developing and operating retail and wholesale websites that provide an exciting blend of consumer level and B2B products and services.

BRAVADA owns and operates,,, and

Forward-looking Statements

Certain matters discussed in this announcement contain statements, estimates and projections about the growth of BRAVADA International’s business, corporate growth, and related business strategy. Such statements may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Factors or events that could cause actual results to differ may emerge from time to time. BRAVADA International undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The recipient of this information is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

“World of Pets Superstore” is a registered Trademark of BRAVADA International, All Rights Reserved