JPMorgan's Global Manufacturing PMI rose to 50.8 in December from 49.7 in November, its first time in four months above the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction.

"December saw output and new orders recover some of the ground lost in prior months and the highest reading since June.

Survey producer JPMorgan said the improved showing was largely thanks to U.S. production months, and jobs growth picked up to a five-month high," said David Hensley, director of global economics coordination at JPMorgan.

"However, the sector is still tracking well below its long-run trend. Ongoing weakness in the euro zone and Asia remain a drag on activity with inventory adjustments still ongoing."

Overall manufacturing activity in the United States grew at its fastest pace in six months in December, rising more than expected, according to the Institute for Supply Management on Tuesday.

(Reporting by Andy Bruce; Editing by John Stonestreet)