LONDON, Jan 17 (Reuters) - Psychologists sometimes warn anxious and depressed clients about the danger of catastrophising - fixating on the worst possible outcome, exaggerating serious but unlikely risks rather than evaluating all outcomes rationally.

The same advice is useful for analysts and investors in commodity markets, where sensible forecasts and decisions should be based on an accurate estimate of the full distribution of outcomes not just one segment of it.

Extreme events or cascades of increasingly serious consequences make for interesting narratives and good headlines, rendering them popular with commentators and writers competing for attention.

As a young analyst, I was advised by a senior trader to ensure my predictions were always well outside the consensus to ensure they got most attention.

Successful out-of-consensus forecasts would be remembered and build a reputation, he said; failures would be quietly forgotten. From a cynical marketing point of view he was right.

But from an analytical point of view, it is a mistake to concentrate on high-impact low-frequency tail risks to the detriment of other scenarios that are less extreme but more probable because it leads to costly mistakes.


In the electricity sector, contingency planning includes the 1-in-100 year risk of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the sun hurled directly towards Earth causing a severe geomagnetic storm and damaging major transformers.

A particularly severe geomagnetic storm in 1859 known as the Carrington Event caused extensive damage to the infant telegraph industry (Duration and extent of the great auroral storm, Green and Boardsen, 2006).

If a similar storm occurred in 2024, damage to the transmission grid and large hard-to-replace transformers could cause blackouts for months and severe disruption to an economy now wholly dependent on electricity.

So emergency planners are right to consider the threat posed by another Carrington Event, but severe hot and cold weather, equipment failures, computer failures and control room errors pose greater day-to-day risks.

In 2003, a cascading power failure blacked out the northeastern United States and neighbouring areas of Canada caused by nothing more unusual than a few overgrown trees, a faulty computer and poor control room practices.

Contingency planning for a Carrington Event is intellectually fascinating. But reliability planning and operating procedures have to take into account the whole range of scenarios not just the most extreme ones.

Planning for routine scenarios occurring once-a-year or 1-in-10 years explains why mass blackouts have been relatively rare in North America and Europe even in periods of exceptionally cold or hot weather.


In the oil market, focus on the whole distribution risks, not just the extreme tails, helps explain why prices have fallen despite the spreading conflict in the Middle East.

Armed conflict between Israel and Hamas has been metastasising to involve Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, Iran, the United Kingdom and the United States in military action.

Fighting has already disrupted shipping, with some container vessels, bulk carriers and oil and gas tankers diverted from the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden to the longer route around the Cape of Good Hope.

Oil and diplomatic analysts have warned about the potential for escalation to hit the more critical shipping lane through the Strait of Hormuz and exports from the oil and gas producing countries around the Persian Gulf.

The British and U.S. governments have cited the threat of higher oil prices among their justifications for taking military action against the Houthis in Yemen.

It is easy to construct scenarios in which a single event or miscalculation leads via unplanned escalation to a full-scale confrontation between the United States and its allies on the one hand and Iran and its allies on the other.

Escalation scenarios in which oil flows through Strait of Hormuz are threatened have been a staple since I started working as an analyst in 1996.

So far, however, oil and prices have fallen even as the conflict has intensified.

Front-month Brent prices are down by $11-15 per barrel (14-16%) while Europes gas prices are down by 5-16 euros ($5.43 - $17.36) per megawatt hour (14-33%) since September-October 2023.

Most traders have concluded the risk of unplanned escalation leading to a major confrontation disruption of oil and gas supplies to Europe or Asia remains relatively low.

In most cases, even when the initiating event is unplanned, escalations occur when the leaders of one or more countries involved decide it is their best option for domestic or international reasons.

In this instance, policymakers in Iran and Hezbollah, the United Kingdom and the United States have all signalled their desire to avoid escalation.

It is possible senior leaders could still be dragged into a conflict they have tried hard to avoid but it remains less likely than the alternatives of contained conflict or de-escalation.

Houthi attacks on shipping remain an unpredictable element but can probably be suppressed over time by aerial attacks by U.K. and U.S. forces on the launch sites and other infrastructure.

Naval convoys can protect merchant vessels transiting the Gulf of Aden and southern Red Sea, and alternative routes are available around the Cape, albeit all these options are expensive for both shippers and patrollers.

Longer voyages will tie up more inventory at sea, and increase the demand for and cost of shipping between the Middle East, Asia and Europe, but will not halt the flow of oil, gas and containers.


There are plenty of shock absorbers to blunt the impact of any short-term disruption stemming from a limited conflict in the Middle East.

Commercial crude and fuel inventories in the advanced economies were close to their ten-year seasonal average at the end of November.

Saudi Arabia and its OPEC allies hold more than 4 million barrels per day of spare production capacity as a result of output cuts announced over the last 18 months.

Crude output from U.S. shale producers and non-OPEC non-shale producers in Brazil and Guyana is expected to cover most consumption growth in 2024.

Global consumption is expected to increase by less than 1.5% in both 2024 and 2025, in line with the long-term average, which should be easy for producers to satisfy.

As a result, Brent prices have averaged $78 per barrel in January, below the average of $89 since the start of the century once inflation is taken into account.

Traders are not ignoring the risk of a catastrophic escalation that could disrupt oil production, exports and tanker shipping, but they are treating it as a less-likely tail risk.

They are more focused on routine risks stemming from persistent inflation, interest rates and sluggish economic growth, as well as buffers offered by comfortable inventories and plentiful spare production capacity.

For now, these are seen as dominating scenarios in the centre of the probability distribution and driving oil prices. Unless and until the probability of escalation increases significantly, prices are likely to remain around current levels.

John Kemp is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own. Follow his commentary on X

($1 = 0.9214 euros) (Editing by Barbara Lewis)