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Placing Agent

The Board is pleased to announce that all conditions set out in the Top-up Placing and Subscription Agreement and the New Issue Placing Agreement have been fulfilled and the Top-up Placing, the Top-up Subscription and the New Issue Placing were completed on 5 December 2012,
11 December 2012 and 7 January 2013, respectively, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Top-up Placing and Subscription Agreement and the New Issue Placing Agreement. An aggregate of 250,000,000 Top-up Placing Shares and 157,000,000 New Issue Placing Shares have been successfully placed at a price of HK$0.125 per WYT Share pursuant to the Top-up Placing and Subscription Agreement and the New Issue Placing Agreement.
Reference is made to the joint announcement published by Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Holdings Limited (the "Company") and Wang On dated 30 November 2012 (the "Announcement") in relation to, among other things, the Top-up Placing, the Top-up Subscription and the New Issue Placing. Capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as defined in the Announcement unless otherwise stated.
The board of directors of the Company (the "Board") is pleased to announce that all conditions set out in the Top-up Placing and Subscription Agreement and the New Issue Placing Agreement have been fulfilled and the Top-up Placing, the Top-up Subscription and the New Issue Placing were completed on 5 December 2012, 11 December 2012 and 7 January 2013, respectively, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Top-up Placing and Subscription Agreement and the New Issue Placing Agreement. An aggregate of 250,000,000 Top-up Placing Shares and
157,000,000 New Issue Placing Shares have been successfully placed at a price of HK$0.125 per WYT Share pursuant to the Top-up Placing and Subscription Agreement and the New Issue Placing Agreement. The net proceeds from the Top-up Subscription and the New Issue Placing amounted to approximately HK$49.0 million and the net proceeds raised per WYT Share upon completion of the Top-up Subscription and the New Issue Placing were approximately HK$0.12.

* For identification purpose only


Each of the Top-Up Placing Shares and the New Issue Placing Shares has been placed to not fewer than six Placees. To the best of the directors of the Company's knowledge, information and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, the Placees and their ultimate beneficial owners are independent third parties and are not connected persons of the Company and its connected persons.
None of the Placees has become substantial shareholders (as defined under the Listing Rules) of the Company as a result of the Top-up Placing and the New Issue Placing.
The table below set out the changes to the shareholding structure of the Company as a result of completion of the Top-up Placing, the Top-up Subscription and the New Issue Placing:

Immediately before the Top-up Placing and the Top-up Subscription


Immediately after completion of the Top-up Placing and the Top-up Subscription


Immediately after completion of the Top-up Placing, the Top-up Subscription and the New Issue Placing


Number of

WYT Shares

% of shareholding

Number of

WYT Shares

% of shareholding

Number of

WYT Shares

% of shareholding

The Vendor

(Notes 1 and 2)

Placees under the Top-up

Placing (Note 2)

Placees under the New

Issue Placing (Note 3)

Other public


509,042,034 25.00% 509,042,034 22.27% 509,042,034 20.84%

- 0.00% 250,000,000 10.93% 250,000,000 10.23%

- 0.00% - 0.00% 157,000,000 6.43%

1,527,100,935 75.00% 1,527,100,935 66.80% 1,527,100,935 62.50%

Total 2,036,142,969 100.00% 2,286,142,969 100.00% 2,443,142,969 100.00%