Medicinal Genomics and Courtagen Life Sciences today announced it has signed a co-promotion agreement with the Veterans For Cannabis Foundation (VFCF). Under the terms of the agreement, MGC will provide StrainSEEK™ strain identification and registration services for VFCF’s branded products and help promote the VFCF mission as MGC’s exclusive veteran’s cannabis support partner.

“We are very proud to be working together with the Veterans For Cannabis Foundation,” said Mike Catalano, Head of Marketing for Medicinal Genomics and Courtagen Life Sciences. “Their mission of effecting change through data collection may ultimately help to reduce the unnecessary deaths amongst our veteran population, in particular for conditions where opioids are commonly prescribed. Registering the genetic fingerprint of the cannabis strains used will help control the consistency of the products and the data collection efforts.”

The Veterans For Cannabis Foundation will be creating specially branded cannabidiol (CBD) products that can be tracked with the VFCF application. One challenge the group hopes to overcome is the creative names that many strains of cannabis have acquired over the years. Renaming the products to something more palatable to a government committee may help the data get a fair review. Tracking the genetics will ensure that the connection to the original name is not lost.

Veterans may join the program at no charge and the VFCF branded products will be available to veterans at a discount. The objective of the VFCF program is to collect real world data about the effects of several cannabis strains used for treatment of different conditions, including PTSD, chronic pain, and neurological conditions.

“We are laser focused and extremely excited to be working with Medicinal Genomics and Courtagen Life Sciences to bring cannabis science to the forefront in the treatment of our veterans,” said Joshua Littrell, founder of Veterans For Cannabis Foundation. “With MGC’s StrainSEEK program we are able to take some of the guess work out of cannabis treatment in our veteran community. VFCF will now be able to replicate and reproduce the experience for veterans in our program. Our veterans are begging for a treatment they can trust and that is uniform. Now they can rest assured knowing they are receiving the same treatment every time.”

VFC’s Foundation is a non-profit group that works to end the 22 suicides per day occurring in our veteran community, as well as reduce the needless accidental overdose deaths caused by prescription medication, which occur at a 50% greater rate in the veteran population. VFCF is working to achieve this through partnerships with growers and dispensaries that offer VFCF members treatment options at a reduced cost, and via a scientific study of DNA sequenced cannabis strains.

Both Medicinal Genomics and the Veterans For Cannabis Foundation will be attending at the CannMed 2017 Personalized Cannabinoid Medicine Conference, April 9-11, 2017 at Harvard Medical School in Boston. The conference was created to discuss the science and clinical practice of using medical marijuana to treat a range of conditions. This year’s conference will include an option for health care professionals to earn continuing medical education credits (CMEs). Medical practitioners that choose this registration option will also be able to choose a non-profit organization to receive a donation – including the Veterans for Cannabis Foundation. Early-bird discounts are available until February 21st.

For additional details about or to register for CannMed 2017, visit

About the Veterans For Cannabis Foundation

Veterans For Cannabis Foundation’s MISSION is to reduce deaths associated with accidental overdose from prescription pain medication and reduce suffering associated with PTSD and chronic pain in Veterans and all patients. VFCF does this through education of the Veteran, civilian, medical and legislative communities and scientific verification of cannabis strains. VFCF’s VISION is a world where the suffering of those who serve our country can be mitigated by treatment that does not further damage their bodies, minds and lives, or cause the death of more than 22 Veterans a day via suicide. For more information, please visit, or follow on Facebook, and Twitter with hashtags #VFC #VETERANSFORCANNABIS #TWENTY22MANY

About Medicinal Genomics Corporation

Medicinal Genomics Corporation applies state-of-the-art life science technology to Cannabis plant genetics. Our products help growers, dispensaries, and safety testing laboratories characterize and understand the quality of medicinal cannabis. Medicinal Genomics utilizes a highly sophisticated Next Generation Sequencing laboratory, bioinformatics system, and DNA based technologies to deliver unmatched technical solutions to decipher the genetic code and quality level of medicinal Cannabis. Medicinal Genomics is a wholly owned subsidiary of Courtagen Life Sciences, Inc. For more information, please visit, or follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with hashtags #MGC #MedicinalGenomics