Universal Mind, a digital consulting and services firm that works with companies to optimize their digital value delivery, announced their participation in An IoT for Everyone panel Jan. 7 at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is just beginning to make life more efficient with devices that automate many routine tasks. Some of the most recognizable IoT products include connected thermostats that allow users to control temperatures via a smartphone or door locks that can automatically sense users’ proximity and unlock a door. At CES, Richard Gunther, Universal Mind’s director of Client Experience, will speak on a panel focusing specifically on custom lighting that takes advantage of IoT connectivity.

Entitled Connected Lighting Should Just Work, the panel is part of the Bluetooth Special Interest Groups (SIG) conference track where Gunther will join industry experts who will tackle the current state of IoT lighting, why it isn't consumer-friendly and what the industry can do to make it better. With Gunther’s 20 years of information engineering and technology experience -- and specific expertise in user experience -- he will bring unique context representing customer engagement.

“Setup for IoT in the home should be quick and not technically challenging. But in some cases it can be,” Gunther said. “Universal Mind aims to eliminate the friction points between consumers and technology. This panel aligns with our objectives of utilizing the IoT as one part of the toolbox to make lives easier.”

The panel is open to everyone attending CES and will take place Saturday, January 7, at 11:30 a.m. PST.

About Universal Mind:

Universal Mind is an independent, digital consulting and services firm focused on enhancing human experiences and solving problems through technology. Founded in 2003, the company has more than 100 strategists, designers, developers, delivery managers, and agilists located in four offices across the U.S. and Canada, all who understand that true experience design and creation — and the resulting business value — happens at the intersection of PEOPLE, BUSINESS and TECHNOLOGY. For more information visit www.universalmind.com.