U.S. Soybeans and Products Supply and Use (Domestic Measure) 1/ 
Item                          2019/20                    2020/21 
                           prev   Jan 12           prev             Jan 12 
SOYBEANS                                Million acres 
 Planted                   76.1    76.1            83.1               83.1 
 Harvested                 74.9    74.9            82.3               82.3 
Yield per harvested 
 acre                      47.4    47.4            50.7               50.2 
                                      Million bushels 
 Beginning stocks           909     909             523                525 
 Production               3,552   3,552           4,170              4,135 
 Imports                     15      15              15                 35 
 Supply, total            4,476   4,476           4,709              4,695 
 Crushings                2,165   2,165           2,195              2,200 
 Exports                  1,676   1,682           2,200              2,230 
 Seed                        96      96             103                103 
 Residual                    16       9              35                 22 
 Use, total               3,953   3,952           4,534              4,555 
 Ending stocks              523     525             175                140 
 Avg farm prc($/bu) 2/     8.57    8.57           10.55              11.15 
                                    Million pounds 
Beginning stocks          1,775   1,775           1,849              1,849 
Production 4/            24,912  24,912          25,440             25,565 
Imports                     319     319             350                350 
Supply, total            27,006  27,006          27,639             27,764 
Domestic Disappearance   22,319  22,319          23,000             23,200 
Biodiesel 3/              7,858   7,858           8,100              8,200 
Food, Feed & 
 other industrial        14,461  14,461          14,900             15,000 
Exports                   2,839   2,839           2,750              2,750 
Use, total               25,158  25,158          25,750             25,950 
Ending stocks             1,849   1,849           1,889              1,814 
Avg farm prc(c/lb) 2/     29.65   29.65           36.00              38.50 
                                  Thousand short tons 
Beginning stocks            402     402             341                341 
Production 4/            51,100  51,100          51,709             51,959 
Imports                     639     639             600                600 
Supply, total            52,142  52,142          52,650             52,900 
Domestic Disappearance   37,723  37,723          38,300             38,300 
Exports                  14,077  14,077          14,000             14,250 
Use, total               51,800  51,800          52,300             52,550 
Ending stocks               341     341             350                350 
Avg Farm prc($/s.t.) 2/  299.50  299.50          370.00             390.00 
Note:  Totals may not add due to rounding.  Reliability calculations at end 
of report.  1/ Marketing year beginning September 1 for soybeans; October 1 
for soybean oil and soybean meal.  2/ Prices: soybeans  marketing year 
weighted average price received by farmers; oil  simple average of crude 
soybean oil  Decatur; meal  simple average of 48 percent protein  Decatur. 
3/ Reflects only biodiesel made from methyl ester as reported by the U.S. 
Energy Information Administration.  4/ Based on an October year crush of 2 
173 million bushels for 2019/20 and 2 200 million bushels for 2020/21. 
Write to Rose Ridinger at csstat@dowjones.com 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

01-12-21 1217ET