UPC to use Swisscom's mobile network in the future

UPC has offered attractive Mobile deals for the whole of Switzerland using Salt's mobile network since 2015 and since then has seen continuous growth in the number of customers, which currently stands at over 100,000. Now, the company has decided to use the mobile network belonging to Swisscom for its Mobile offers in the future. As a result of this, all UPC customers will be able to continue benefiting not only from extremely attractive offers, but also from an "outstanding" mobile network (as rated in the Connect test) with exceptional coverage in Switzerland. The switchover to the new mobile network is expected to take place in early 2019.

"Good is not good enough for our customers. And so we are delighted that we will be able to offer our attractive Mobile products with one of the best Swiss mobile networks (as rated in the Connect test) from early 2019," says Eric Tveter, UPC CEO. "Our goal is to continue playing a leading role in the Swiss telecommunications market in the long term. By selecting this provider we are reinforcing this claim in the area of Mobile. Our superior superfast fibre optic Internet network combined with this new partnership in mobile creates the best overall telecommunications network throughout Switzerland," says Eric Tveter.

Here to stay
Through this decision, UPC is securing the possibility of expanding its presence in the Swiss mobile market further in the coming years. Since the company entered the mobile market in spring 2015, via the network belonging to Orange, several changes have taken place in Switzerland as far as mobile infrastructure is concerned. "We have followed these developments closely and have come to the conclusion that we can offer our customers the best possible package for connectivity and entertainment via the Swisscom mobile network in combination with our other powerful offers and products. In the future, we will also continue to launch subscriptions that are unique in Switzerland, such as the still unrivalled offer with EU roaming included, while at the same time increasing the quality of the network coverage," says Tveter.

Swisscom: future-proof mobile network
Swisscom has a high quality mobile network and made us an extremely attractive offer for the use of its mobile infrastructure in the course of a tender procedure. In Swisscom, UPC has selected a provider which also plays a leading role in the implementation of new technology. Until the switchover to the Swisscom network, Salt will remain UPC's MNO (Mobile Network Operator) partner. Subsequently, UPC will automatically switch over to the new network - customers do not need to do anything.

UPC will continue to provide customer service
UPC will offer its Mobile products via Swisscom's mobile network, but apart from maintenance of the infrastructure will continue to provide all services itself. As a result, there will be no changes to subscriptions and products for UPC Mobile customers. Neither will anything change for UPC customers with regard to customer support and advice, administration or logistics.

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Press release, 8 January 2018

Tensid EQS Ltd., Switzerland


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