28 Jan 2015

Pharrell address 2014's Social Good Summit via video-link. Photo: Dylan Lowthian/UNDP'

Global convening explores how bold new approaches to leveraging innovation and technology can help achieve a better world.

New York -- The sixth annual Social Good Summit, a unique convening of world leaders, new media and technology experts, grassroots activists and voices from around the world, today announced that its marquee event coinciding with United Nations Week, will take place on September 27 and 28 at 92nd Street Y in New York with a week of related activities around the globe including meet-ups hosted locally by members of the social good community, and signature events supported by Social Good Summit partners.

The 2015 Social Good Summit takes place at a pivotal moment in the dual movements to combat extreme poverty and to address climate change. The Summit will challenge speakers, participants and a growing worldwide community to explore how technology and new media can be leveraged to address these issues, benefiting people everywhere and helping build a better future.

Each September, world leaders come together at the United Nations General Assembly to discuss global issues and ways in which to tackle them. Recognizing that the voices and ideas of concerned global citizens connected by social media and technology can be powerful forces for change, Mashable, 92nd Street Y, the United Nations Foundation and the United Nations Development Programme partner to host the Social Good Summit to expand the UN conversations to include innovators, activists and entrepreneurs around the world.

"The Social Good Summit is the convening for all key stakeholders in our future: the community, the policy makers, the change makers and those responsible for corporate good," said Pete Cashmore, Founder and CEO of Mashable. "This year we face the ultimate challenge -- building 2030 today. But, by leveraging the power of technology and creating global networks for good, we believe that we can create scalable solutions for the next 15 years and beyond."

"While dignitaries from around the world meet at the UN, the Social Good Summit provides a platform for individuals around the globe to convene a critically important conversation," said Henry Timms, Executive Director of 92Y. "We come together as a community of activists, technologists, change-makers and entrepreneurs to champion new ideas and to mobilize new forces to address our shared challenges.

Last year, the Social Good Summit in New York connected people throughout the world with livestreams in seven different languages, and in-person or online meetings organized by people in their own communities in over 170 countries using 45 different languages. Connected through video and social media, Social Good Summit events used the common hashtag #2030Now to share innovative ideas for the future of our world.

"2015 is a once in a generation year for development. What is decided across the major UN summits this year on disaster risk reduction, finance for development, sustainable development goals, and tackling climate change will shape the world's future for the next 15 years and beyond," said Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme.

The Social Good Summit this year will have an important role to play in highlighting the links between all these major agendas, and bringing people around the world into a conversation on how we can all work together for a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient world."

"Inthis year of historic opportunity to help millions of people move from poverty to prosperity, we know that global challenges of our time cannot be solved by governments or organizations like the UN alone. Each of us has a role to play and technology accelerates what our roles achieve. Sustainable solutions require the ideas and commitment of all of us who are part of the connected generation," said Kathy Calvin, President and CEO of the UN Foundation.

The goal of the Social Good Summit is to empower people everywhere to have their voices heard, both during and after UN Week. The Summit will provide a shared platform for a global call to action to create the kind of world we want and identify innovations that can help make this world a reality.

More information on the Social Good Summit is available now at http://www.socialgoodsummit.com
2014 Highlights

Watch panels from the 2014 Social Good Summit here

•    Read five themes from the 2014 Social Good Summit here
•    See behind-the-scenes images of the 2014 Social Good Summit here


Mashable is a leading source for news, information and resources for the Connected Generation. Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world. Mashable's 40 million unique visitors worldwide and 20 million social media followers are one of the most influential and engaged online communities. Founded in 2005, Mashable is headquartered in New York City with offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London.

92nd Street Y

92nd Street Y is a world-class, nonprofit cultural and community center that fosters the mental, physical and spiritual health of people throughout their lives, offering: wide-ranging conversations with the world's best minds; an outstanding range of programming in the performing, visual and literary arts; fitness and sports programs; and activities for children and families.

92Y is reimagining the community center in the digital age with initiatives like the award-winning #GivingTuesday, launched by 92Y in 2012 as a day to celebrate and promote giving. More than 300,000 people visit 92Y annually; millions more participate in 92Y's digital and online initiatives. Established in 1874, 92Y embraces its Jewish heritage and welcomes people of all backgrounds and perspectives. For more information, visit http://www.92Y.org

United Nations Foundation The United Nations Foundation builds public-private partnerships to address the world's most pressing problems, and broadens support for the United Nations through advocacy and public outreach. Through innovative campaigns and initiatives, the Foundation connects people, ideas, and resources to help the UN solve global problems. The Foundation was created in 1998 as a U.S. public charity by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner and now is supported by global corporations, foundations, governments, and individuals.

Learn more at http://www.unfoundation.org

UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in 177 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.

Boaz Paldi -UNDPChief a.i Media & Advocacy

Tel: +1 (212) 906-6801

e-mail: boaz.paldi@undp.org

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