UC Berkeley Extension welcomes the public to attend free events on the Affordable Care Act, Obama's foreign policy, art, science and more. UC Berkeley Extension presents free events each year as part of its mission to bring the educational excellence of the University of California, Berkeley, to the Bay Area community.

Art and Design Center Gallery Exhibits
Extension students and instructors display current work in visual arts, interior design and interior architecture, and printmaking in rotating shows.
Through April 4; UC Berkeley Extension Art and Design Center, 95 Third St., San Francisco

LASER: Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous
The LASER series, chaired by cultural historian Piero Scaruffi, features forward thinkers discussing projects that expand existing art and science paradigms.
February panelists: Curt Frank, Stanford University chemical engineering professor; Bernie Lubell, interactive wood machine creator; Eric Paulos, UC Berkeley Living Environments Lab director; Katherine Sherwood, UC Berkeley art professor
April panelists: Jim Crutchfield, UC Davis chaos scientist; Johanna Drucker, UCLA cultural historian; Ceci Moss, writer/musician/DJ/curator; Shan Shan Sheng, Chinese visual artist
Feb. 11 and April 2; 7-9 pm; UC Berkeley Campus, Mulford Hall

Health Care Reform Update: Progress and Challenges
This lecture provides an overview of the Affordable Care Act, including its accomplishments and challenges, as well as what health professionals and consumers need to know.
March 7; 4:30-6 pm; UC Berkeley Extension Golden Bear Center, 1995 University Ave., Berkeley

Obama in the World: The President and Foreign Policy
In this annual presidency panel, experts examine how the president has met global foreign policy challenges involving Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Russia and elsewhere.
April 7; 7:30-9:30 pm; UC Berkeley Campus, Wheeler Hall

Opportunities and Challenges of Online Education in the 21st Century
Extension Dean Diana Wu discusses the expanding role of online higher education for students at Berkeley and across the nation.
April 12; Cal Day 2014; UC Berkeley Campus

UC Berkeley Extension, the continuing education branch of UC Berkeley, offers professional and personal enrichment programs in the classroom and online for adults in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.

UC Berkeley Extension
Erin Hanson, Communications Manager, 510-643-1111