By Jeslyn Lerh
       SINGAPORE, July 17 (Reuters) - Marine fuel sales at the United Arab Emirates' Fujairah
fell to a seven-month low in June, extending declines to a third month, latest data showed. 
    Sales volumes at the world's third-largest bunkering port, excluding lubricants, totalled
610,765 cubic metres (about 605,000 metric tons), the lowest since November, based on Fujairah
Oil Industry Zone (FOIZ) data published by S&P Global Commodity Insights.
    The monthly volume eased 0.8% from May, but was up 0.9% from the same month last year.
    Total sales in the first half of 2024 were 3.8 million tons, up 8% from the same period in
2023, as broader shipping tensions in the Red Sea lifted bunkering demand at key ports. 
    However, sales have weakened in recent months as supply has tightened due to robust summer
demand, while cheaper prices at neighbouring port Khor Fakkan continue to draw away some buying
interest from Fujairah, according to industry sources. 
    High-sulphur bunker sales fell 8.5% from May to 149,951 cubic metres in June, the FOIZ data
    Low-sulphur bunker sales, including residual fuels and marine gasoils, totalled 460,814
cubic metres, up 2% month-on-month. 
    The market share of low-sulphur bunkers rose to 75% in June, while that of high-sulphur
bunkers was at 25%.

    Fujairah bunker sales by month, in cubic metres, excluding lubricants:  
 Month        Total Sales     M-o-M   Y-o-Y
 Jan-24         674,632        2.4%    6.6%
 Feb-24         633,436       -6.1%   10.7%
 Mar-24         700,918       10.7%   25.2%
 Apr-24         638,960       -8.8%    7.1%
 May-24         615,462       -3.7%   -0.8%
 Jun-24 *       610,765       -0.8%    0.9%
    Monthly bunker sales by grade, in cubic metres:
 Month       180cst LSFO      380cst LSFO     380cst HSFO      MGO      LSMGO    Lubricants
 Jan-24          341            436,604         207,124        122     30,441       4,372
 Feb-24         1,000           407,799         192,753        210     31,674       4,420
 Mar-24          924            463,245         198,273        321     38,155       5,171
 Apr-24          742            434,918         171,841        634     30,825       3,734
 May-24          464            422,659         163,893        61      28,385       4,592
 Jun-24 *       1,088           428,138         149,951        216     31,372       4,792
    Data source: Fujairah Oil Industry Zone data published by S&P Global Commodity Insights

    (1 cubic metre = 6.29 barrels)
    (1 metric ton = 6.35 barrels for fuel oil)

 (Reporting by Jeslyn Lerh; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu)