The San Antonio MBDA Business Center's specialty is helping minority businesses (MBEs) find exporting opportunities in Latin America. Aligning with White House initiatives such as Look South, the center has assisted numerous MBEs develop international market entry strategies that vary by sector, size, capabilities, targeted countries and regions

The MBDA Business Center's San Antonio Global Pathways Initiative has proven to be a conduit of global opportunities for domestic MBE clients. As a result of this success, some clients have engaged in partnerships with foreign enterprises.

"One of the tasks associated with the services we offer MBE's preparing to export is to assist them with business to business relationships," said Orestes Hubbard, Director of the San Antonio MBDA Business Center. "This service creates a two way opportunity for our client that sometimes serves as a platform to bring foreign direct investment into the U.S."

BBM Staffing, LLC, a Mexican staffing services company, is an example of the benefit of the business to business relationship concept. The center has helped BBM Staffing, LLC expand their presence in Texas by helping them gain access to markets and capital for their operations.

Hubbard said there are a significant number of medium to large companies in Latin America that are qualified to partner with U.S. MBE's, and who are pursuing opportunities to invest in the U.S.

"Our goal is to diligently use all the resources available to help our MBEs grow in size and scale," said Hubbard. "We realize that creating relationships with companies abroad and helping them pursue opportunities here in the U.S. leads to foreign direct investment. That's a win-win in our book."

To learn more about how the San Antonio MBDA Business Center helps minority-owned businesses find exporting opportunities and create partnerships that lead to foreign direct investment visit

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