JAN. 21, 2016 - A collection of visuals providing information on the twice-a-decade census of over 90,000 governments. Includes a look at the process of planning, electronic data collection and dissemination for the upcoming 2017 Census of Governments. This census is the most comprehensive, comparable, and precise measure of public sector activity within the U.S. economy. With the release of each data product, the Census of Governments provides policy analysts, researchers, and the general public with a more complete and clear picture of the public sector. The infographic examines the ongoing improvements to make the Census of Governments a more timely product with reduced burden on government resources while still providing the most relevant view of the public sector. This will help it better meet the needs of Census Bureau data users. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/library/infographics/census_of_governments.html>.

No news release associated with this product. Tip sheet only.
