AUSTIN, TX--(Marketwired - Jan 14, 2014) - Mosaic, a multi-billion dollar global Fortune 500 company that helps the world grow the food it needs, has successfully implemented Troux's Enterprise Portfolio Management solution to help focus on business strategy, improve decision-making and contribute to long-term success.


  • Mosaic CIO, Doug Mills, tasked his team with implementing a strategic, forward-thinking EA program to help the company become more efficient and reduce redundancies within the IT department.

  • Partnering with Troux and adopting their Accelerator methodology early on allowed the Mosaic team to immediately begin IT planning more strategically from the start.

  • Troux organized a Success Planning Workshop for Mosaic to identify key deliverables such as a defined program vision and goals, stakeholders, product socialization and communications planning. As a result, plans were made to start a formal, branded Application Portfolio Management program called Compass.

  • Within just 17 weeks, the Compass team had successfully established an Application Portfolio Management program resulting in identifying millions of dollars in potential recurring cost savings for the company.

Roy Wells, Technology Architect and Compass Lead, Mosaic: "We had a list of what we wanted, when and why. The Troux Accelerator methodology showed us how. Rather than us sitting in a group and trying to figure out how to map to the meta-model and what was needed to produce a set of reports, the Accelerator helped quickly identify what we could do and how we could use it. I would guarantee we saved weeks, months, at a minimum with the Accelerator Success Planning Workshop."

Click here to download the full Mosaic case study. (

In addition, an achieved webinar featuring Roy Wells of Mosaic is available for replay here. (

About Troux
Troux's mission is to forever change the way businesses make decisions. With Troux solutions, business leaders, CIOs and their teams can use the power of Enterprise Architecture to successfully manage the connected set of enterprise portfolios that define their business. Better-informed decisions powered by the unique TrouxView™ Enterprise Portfolio Management approach helps businesses save money, reduce risk and increase business agility. With the largest and fastest growing base of successful customers, Troux delivers results for some of the world's best known brands including: American Express, AstraZeneca, Bayer Health Care, Boeing, Cisco, Disney, Fidelity, Lloyds, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Vodafone and Volkswagen Group of America. To learn more, please visit