The world’s first genome-based shared economy platform "MyGenomeBox" is officially launched at the world's largest Consumer Electronic Show 2017.

MyGenomeBox (MGB) begins Smart DNA era, a new eco-system based on a highly secure cloud platform with genome data and related DNA apps. MyGenomeBox introduces how an individual’s genome codes are turned into valuable and exciting meanings using apps developed by everyone.

MyGenomeBox plans to create a new “SMART” mega-trend that continues with the “Smart Car”, "Smart Home" trend, which has received the hottest response from CES in recent years. MyGenomeBox’s key theme for CES 2017 is the "Smart DNA" in order to make a better world of “SMART” through the various services of MyGenomeBox. (Booth: Sands, Halls A-D 43134)

The biggest issues of CES 2017 seem to be "convergence" and "connectivity". As global IT companies such as Google, Apple, and Samsung are showing interest in the “Self-Driving Car”, the convergence of cars and electronics is expected to attract attention once again. MyGenomeBox will introduce a business model that enables a future-oriented convergence, which is a "DNA platform environment" that is fused with the mobile industry, enabling services using personal genome data anywhere, anytime.

“MyGenomeBox is pleased to participate in the world’s largest international electronic trade fair to introduce our technology and showcase innovative services at CES 2017, among world's leading companies in IT / electronics," said Shang Cheol Shin, CEO of MyGenomeBox. Mr. Shin also said, “MyGenomeBox is the global leader in genome-based DNA platform business, leading the way in building a gene-based ecosystem that will enable more people to pursue more enjoyable and happy lives through genetic information.”

MyGenomeBox, the world's first genome-based, innovative, shared economic platform, lets you experience various features related to genetics. MyGenomeBox contains tens of thousands of pieces of genetic information that can be identified, such as how close you are to a Neanderthal person who died tens of thousands of years ago, or how likely it is to get obese or hair loss etc. It is easy and fun to use genetic information and it is also based on the cloud, which makes it easy to access 'whenever', 'anywhere' with a high level of security.