Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Top 100 Distributors Of Point-Of-Care Instruments & Tests Worldwide" report to their offering.

Did you know?

- Una Health Ltd., the fastest growing diagnostic distributor in the United Kingdom, specialises in bringing innovative point-of-care devices to the market.

- BHR Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. works with leading global manufacturers to bring point-of-care medical diagnostics in six major fields: allergy, cardiovascular, diabetes, female health, gastrointestinal and haematology to the Indian market.

- Beam International Inc. supplies over 80% of Taiwan's hospitals and medical centres with point-of-care testing products from leading international manufactures.

- Axon Lab's 242 employees collaborate with Abbott Point of Care, ARKRAY, Inc., EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc, HORIBA, Ltd., iLine Microsystems, LifeSign LLC, Princeton BioMeditech Corporation, PTS Diagnostics, Qualigen Inc. and Siemens Healthcare to distribute their point-of-care products throughout Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Switzerland.

- Yong Jeh Kuang is Senior POCT Manager at Malaysian point-of-care distribution specialist, AcuTest Systems.

- Through its partnership with many international point-of-care manufacturers, Johannesburg-headquartered The Scientific Group supply a vast range of point-of-care tests to primary healthcare facilities in Africa.

These are just a tiny sample of the 1,000s of facts to be found in The Top 100 Distributors Of Point-Of-Care Instruments & Tests Worldwide.

There are many distributors of in vitro diagnostic instruments, reagents and accessories. This report profiles those with a focus on point-of-care.

The companies profiled throughout this report distribute innovative point-of-care products in Africa, Asia/Pacific, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and the United States.

Profile information for each company in The Top 100 Distributors Of Point-Of-Care Instruments & Tests Worldwide typically includes:

- Company Contact Information - Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers, Email and Website Addresses

- Key Company Decision Makers - From CEO and Main Board, to Key Senior Managers

- Specialised fields such as Company Description, Companies Represented, Countries Served, Number of Employees and Ownership.

Report data field structure is as follows:

- Company Name

- Address

- Telephone

- Fax

- Email

- Website

- Year Established

- Number of Employees

- Key Executives

- Company Description

- Companies Represented

- Countries Served

- Ownership

- Ticker Symbol

- Parent Company

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