Industrial Production Index, November 2013

Seasonally and calendar adjusted industrial production increased by 2.9% compared with the previous month

In the sub sectors of the industry (based on 2010=100), While mining and quarrying index increased by 1.7% and manufacturing index by 3.6%, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply index decreased by 1.4% in November 2013, compared with the previous month.

Calendar adjusted industrial production increased by 4.7% compared with the same month last year

In the sub sectors of the industry (based on 2010=100), while mining and quarrying index decreased by 8.9%, manufacturing index increased by 5.6% and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply index by 4.8% in November 2013, compared with the same month last year.

Industrial Production Index and the Rate of Change (2010=100), November 2013

Seasonally and Calendar Adjusted Industrial Production Index (2010=100), November 2013

Calendar Adjusted Industrial Production Index (2010=100), November 2013

In seasonally and calendar adjusted main industrial groupings the largest increase was in intermediate goods

According to the Main Industrial Groupings (MIGs) classification, the largest increase was in intermediate goods by 4.5% in November of 2013, compared with the previous month.

Index and the Rate of Change According to MIGs (2010=100), November 2013

In seasonally and calendar adjusted manufacturing industry the highest increase was in manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

In the sub sectors of the manufacturing, the highest increase was in manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations by 18.9%, it is followed by repair and installation of machinery and equipment by 15.2% and manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. by 10.2% in November 2013, compared with the previous month.

In seasonally and calendar adjusted manufacturing industry the largest decrease realized in manufacture of other transport equipment

In the sub sectors of the manufacturing, the largest decrease was in manufacture of other transport equipment by 2.3%, it is followed by manufacture of leather and related products by 0.8% and Manufacture of basic metals by 0.2 in November 2013, compared with the previous month.

The next release on this subject will be on February 10, 2014.

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